November 24, 2014 | C-FER Technologies
200 Karl Clark Rd NW
6:00pm – Networking (Cash Bar)
6:30pm – Dinner
7:00pm – Site Tour
This customized site tour will include an inside look at C-FER Technologies state of the art manufacturing and laboratory facilities from an automation perspective!
C-FER works with a broad range of companies from the energy industry to evaluate and develop new technologies to improve safety, reduce environmental impact and increase efficiency. C-FER operates one of the world’s most advanced large-scale testing labs where the most severe operating environments can be simulated on full-scale equipment components. This includes a 20 million pound capacity load frame, high temperature flow loops and a special environments lab that can reproduce toxic, corrosive and explosive operating environments. This presentation will discuss the current technical challenges related to oil sands developments and pipelines and how C-FER is assisting industry in addressing these challenges.
Brian Wagg is the Director of Business Development and Planning. He holds a Master’s Degree in Geological Engineering from the University of Waterloo and has worked at C-FER for 24 years in various roles ranging from heavy oil operations, to risk analysis of gas storage facilities to conducting large-scale pipeline tests. He is currently assisting in the development of Joint Industry Projects to investigate the performance of pipeline leak detection systems.
Registration is limited to 30 people.